Kolsimcha & Theater Basel - Geisterschiff

Kolsimcha & Theater Basel - Geisterschiff

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  • 19.90€

Release: 11.03.2010
Produkt: Audio CD
Number of disc: 1
Label: VOJ

Album Tracklist
01. Prolog, 02. Ouverture, 03. Intermezzo, 04. Das Büfett 1, 05. Intermezzo, 06. Kein Eintritt, 07. Intermezzo, 08. Versammlung, 09. Intermezzo, 10. Lagerkoller, 11. Intermezzo, 12. Fieber, 13. Intermezzo, 14. No way out, 15. Intermezzo, 16. Das Büfett 2, 17. Intermezzo
18. Polka, 19. Intermezzo, 20. Man muss was tun 21. Epilog

Michael Heitzler - Klarinette, Olivier Truan - Klavier, Daniel Fricker - Bass, Christoph Staudenmann - Drums

Album Info:
The Ghost Ship - music and lyrics based on a piece by Margareth Obexer Just in time for the premiere on March 11, 2010, Kolsimcha is presenting the new CD 'Ghost Ship' in collaboration with Theater Basel. The CD launch will take place on March 11, 2010 after the premiere of the play of the same name, directed by Florrentine Klepper, at the Schauspielhaus Basel.

The CD contains the music for the play, composed by Olivier Truan, played by Kolsimcha. Margareth Obexer's texts and dialogues are read by the actors in the play in their roles.

With the music for 'Ghost Ship', Kolsimcha is taking a new musical path. For the first time, electronic loops and arrangements serve as the basis for the compositions. Kolsimcha then relies on improvisations in the usual way and plays with topics from different cultures. An - in our opinion - extremely successful combination of sound design and musical liveliness, as one is used to from Kolsimcha.

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